Where should I go outside Egypt first?

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Things have seemed the most normal so far today. Restaurants and cafes were open - people just filled the streets in droves - and the police were back at their little intersection posts directing traffic, ogling girls, and offering directions. If I didn't know any better I wouldn't know anything is going on in Cairo.

I've heard something troubling from many friends now about the western media's coverage of the Egyptian crisis and I just want to clear something up. THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH STARTING OR ORGANIZING THESE PROTESTS. The Muslim Brotherhood refused to take part in these protests for the first 4 days. They felt they had more to lose than gain by participating because Mubarak's government had cracked down on them so had last year. The Brotherhood didn't foresee this movement sustaining itself and growing so large and so didn't want to take any chances. They actually took heat from some Egyptians, because they are the biggest and most organized opposition movement in Egypt and other Egyptians were ecstatic at their non-participation because it allowed the event to really be a grassroots by-the-people movement that didn't owe its success or allegiance to any one group. However the Western media have INSISTED on making this story about them. SHAME ON THEM. Its all sensationalistic and is meant to spur on some "ooohs" and "aaaahs" from an American crowd to whom such a story sounds intriguing.

The people have organized themselves and they have fought hard to have their voices heard. The Muslim Brotherhood finally joined the protests after the Friday day of rage and since then have been in talks with President Mubarak for the last 2 days along with EVERY OTHER OPPOSITION LEADER AND OPPOSITION POLITICAL PARTY IN EGYPT to try to end the protests and come to an agreement that all parties can tolerate. So if your local news keeps shoving the MB line down your throat turn it off and move on - because you're not getting an accurate story of what's happening in Egypt.

Furthermore - for the record i want to clarify something about the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. They are NOT popular. Christians fear them because they have no tolerance for Christians in Egypt and would like to turn Egypt into a conservative religious state akin to Iran or Saudi. This is why the vast majority of Egyptian Muslims don't want them either. They threaten Egyptian freedoms more than Mubarak could have ever dreamed! EVERY woman will wear the veil, segregation will be rampant, women could lose most of their rights that have given them some semblance of gender equality, and discrimination will take on new meaning. Imagine Afghanistan under the Taliban rule for a moment - NO EGYPTIAN WANTS TO LIVE LIKE THIS. So tell your media to stop pushing this untruth through the story and show the real story of ordinary people united to gain their rights.

I'll get off my soapbox now and get some dinner....

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